NHS Resolution Early Notification Scheme | Fieldfisher
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NHS Resolution Early Notification Scheme and your negligence claim

The NHS introduced the Early Notification Scheme in 2017 to speed up its investigations when a baby is injured at birth and to resolve any liability faster. Parents concerned about the care they and their baby received are encouraged to instruct their own specialist clinical negligence solicitor to work with the NHS on settling a claim. Fieldfisher's medical negligence team is currently assisting several families under the Scheme.

A prenatal exam shows a pregnant woman lying on her side in a hospital bed with her large belly visible. A healthcare provider in a white coat and blue scrubs is holding the woman's hand, providing support and care during the check-up.

How the EN scheme works 

When a baby is born at 37 weeks or more (i.e. not premature) and is diagnosed with a potentially severe brain injury during the first week of life, the hospital trust involved must notify its legal team, which in turn notifies NHS Resolution, the legal arm of the NHS, within 30 days. 

Potential severe brain injury includes a baby who:

  • had active cooling (therapeutic cooling) 


  • had decreased central tone, was also comatose and also had seizures of any description 


  • is diagnosed with grade III hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy (HIE)

The scheme does not include stillbirth or cases involving maternal death.

Following these criteria, NHS Resolution must investigate the circumstances of the birth using a panel of appointed legal and medical assessors who review medical records and the trust's internal investigation reports and statements. 

If the investigation suggests that substandard care caused the baby's injuries, the trust should contact the parents to discuss the outcome of the investigation. 

Advantages of the Scheme

If parents receive a letter advising that their child's care is being investigated under the Scheme, they know a) there is cause for concern about the care received and b) investigations may be underway by the trust.  

The intention behind the scheme is to shorten the investigation process so as to generate a rapid settlement offer where appropriate. Also, by reducing the time between incident and resolution, costs, including legal feels, should be less, saving the NHS money. 

The NHS also believes it will encourage trusts to be more open about incidents, be more candid with families affected, break down any perception of defensiveness, and to encourage learning from any recommendations to improve safety.

Fieldfisher's advice

Because an injured baby needs to be comprehensively assessed by experts over time to work out what life-long care will entail, we strongly recommend that anyone concerned that maternity care was substandard to instruct a specialist clinical negligence solicitor to ensure a thorough investigation and to best protect their child's interests. This advice also applies to anyone who has received notification from a hospital trust via the Scheme.

For further advice, please contact Jane Weakley or Iona Meeres-Young.

Watch an introduction to the Early Notification Scheme for families by NHS Resolution

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We achieve record damages for people suffering serious injury following medical negligence. Last year, we recovered more than £200m in compensation claims.


We have more than 30 years' experience pursuing claims for people injured by medical negligence, clinical negligence, medical accidents and medical mistakes.


We are ranked top tier in leading legal directories and regularly recognised in industry awards. We are accredited by APIL, panel members of AvMA and members of the Law Society’s Clinical Negligence Panel.

A blurred image of a hospital corridor with bright lighting. People are walking in the distance, and a wheelchair is positioned near a counter on the right side. Large windows on the left let in natural light. Tables with information are on the right side of the hallway.

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