Pudendal Nerve Damage Compensation Claims Solicitors | Fieldfisher | Fieldfisher
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Pudendal Nerve Damage Claims

If you or your family have been affected by sub-standard medical care causing pudendal nerve damage during birth, our team of expert medical negligence solicitors can help you pursue a claim for compensation.

To speak with one of our birth injury experts call 0800 358 3848 or complete our online enquiry form.

A medical professional wearing purple scrubs places a hand on the abdomen of a patient lying in bed and covered by a white sheet, with an IV line inserted in the patient's arm. The patient wears a green hospital gown and is partially covered by a blanket.

During a vaginal delivery, the pudendal nerve stretches. Usually, this resolves itself within a couple of weeks after delivery, but for some women, particularly those who have had a difficult labour, the pudendal nerve can become permanently damaged, resulting in pain, pelvic floor weakness and sometimes incontinence.

Do I have a pudendal nerve damage claim?

You may have a medical negligence claim if your labour was mismanaged and involved a difficult delivery, or your baby should have been delivered by Caesarean section and was not and, as a result, you suffered pudendal nerve damage.

Pudendal nerve damage can occur at the same time as 3rd or 4th degree perineal tears which are not properly repaired and are therefore mismanaged. Unlike tears, however, nerve damage cannot be repaired. 

Pudendal nerve damage is an unfortunate but accepted risk of vaginal delivery.  It cannot normally be attributed to medical error, as it can be a natural consequence of childbirth. However, there are examples of damage occurring due to the labour being mismanaged.  For example, these injuries can occur if the patient's labour has been allowed to continue for too long or if a C-section should have been considered or performed but was not.

Substandard maternity care resulting in or associated with pudendal nerve damage can include:

  • Not appreciating risk factors for perineal tears and pudendal never damage and failure to advise properly before giving birth.
  • Failure to take steps before or during childbirth to minimise the risk of tearing and nerve damage.
  • Failure to manage the labour and delivery properly.
  • Inappropriate or incompetent instrument delivery
  • Failure to progress to a C-section.
  • Failure to properly diagnose and repair a tear immediately following delivery, resulting in incontinence and associated nerve damage.
  • Delay in diagnosing a tear and pudendal nerve damage.
  • Failure to react to signs of infection, abnormal or unusual symptoms.

Read more about 3rd and 4th degree perineal tear claims.

In some circumstances, regardless of a mismanaged tear, pudendal nerve damage would have occurred anyway and is therefore argued not to be negligent.

Our medical negligence team

We have vast experience dealing with such cases, which can be complicated. We are happy to discuss your situation over the phone free of charge to advise whether you may have a claim.


Why choose Fieldfisher's medical negligence team?


We achieve record damages for people suffering serious injury following medical negligence. Last year, we recovered more than £200m in compensation claims.


We have more than 30 years' experience pursuing claims for people injured by medical negligence, clinical negligence, medical accidents and medical mistakes.


We are ranked top tier in leading legal directories and regularly recognised in industry awards. We are accredited by APIL, panel members of AvMA and members of the Law Society’s Clinical Negligence Panel.

A blurred image of a hospital corridor with bright lighting. People are walking in the distance, and a wheelchair is positioned near a counter on the right side. Large windows on the left let in natural light. Tables with information are on the right side of the hallway.

Contact us

For a free, no obligation call with one of our medical negligence experts, please dial 0800 358 3848 or complete our online enquiry form.